🔥 Information Technology teams use Workflow86 to…
Get started right now with our range of ready-to-use Information Technology processes and workflows. From reporting bugs, requesting technical support, provisioning hardware and more – just click to clone the whole workflow to use it straight away or customize to your needs.
Report and track resolution of bugs
A self-serve portal where users can report bugs and then track their resolution. A ticket is created for the IT team to investigate and resolve, and automated triage to escalate high risk and urgent tickets for immediate attention.
Data Breach Response Playbook
A workflow that orchestrates and automates a data breach response playbook. The playbook is started when a suspected data breach is reported, with tasks assigned for investigation, automated escalation and generation of risk reports and documents.
Run a Vulnerability Disclosure Program
A complete Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure Program. Provides a portal where a disclosure policy can be displayed, bugs reported, and then investigation and resolution tracked. Includes its own built-in database for tracking disclosed bugs.
🔥 Scale your IT Operations and Processes
As your business grows, the complexity of your legal operations, legal agreements and contracting processes also needs to scale. Use Workflow86 to document, automate and orchestrate your Legal Operations, Legal Agreements and Contracting Processes. From coordinating legal input into other business functions, to contract review, contract approval, contract generation and more.
👍 The simplest way to automate and scale your Information Technology processes
Step 1
Build your IT process using drag and drop modules, no coding required
Step 2
Publish and set your process to run when an event occurs (e.g. new bug reported) or start it manually
Step 3
Manage and track your process from start to finish